• Au Revoir France!

    We are on our way home after a magical trip to France. We are especially grateful to our amazing correspondents and their families. We also want to thank the teachers and administrators at the Lycee who helped organize and host our time in Bayeux. We hope that we will see you again soon!

  • Last Day in Bayeux

    Friday was our last day in Bayeux. We went to school in the morning and got to meet and play with the lower school students, including giving presentations on life in America and playing sports with them during break. In the afternoon, the students got free time to explore Bayeux, shop, eat, and try to…

  • Le Bowling!

    On Thursday the students went to class with their correspondents in the morning. Some of the students went to English class and later they met with the middle school students. One of the middle school classes included a journalism club and they interviewed Emerson who writes for The Voice. In the afternoon we piled into…

  • Mont-Saint-Michel

    On Wednesday the students and their French correspondents took a day trip to see Mont-Saint-Michel. We were extra lucky to have a beautiful day – sunny and warm – which gave us incredible views. Today’s reflections were written by Cate and Haleyna. Cate Today we visited the small island village of Mont-St-Michel. Built as a…

  • The Normandy Beaches

    On Tuesday the students went to English and French classes in the morning at school. The teachers and students were great and created entertaining activities for everyone. In the afternoon we traveled to the explore the D-Day sites including Pointe du Hoc, Omaha Beach, and the American cemetery. It was a sobering and moving day.…

  • School, Bayeux Cathedral, and Bayeux Tapestry

    On Monday our students went to school in the morning with their correspondents and then spent the afternoon exploring the Bayeux Cathedral and Bayeux Tapestry. Reflections for yesterday are from Dimitri and Janney. Dimitri Bonjour! Monday was the first day of school with our new families. I arrived with my correspondent, Alban, and he showed…

  • Normandy Explorations

    The students spent the day all over Normandy with their correspondents. Here are reflections from Elisabeth and Jack and photos from the rest of the group! Elisabeth Today we started off with a big breakfast with the whole family. There were croissants, baguette, a sugar cake, and pain au chocolat. After a brief moment to…

  • In Bayeux!

    We said goodbye to Paris early Saturday and arrived in Bayeux by bus around noon. All of the correspondents and host families were there to greet us and quickly whisked the students away to their home stays. The chaperones arrived at their hotel and were greeted by Gloria, the beagle. The students will spend the…

  • Student Reflections from Paris Part 2

    Cate: The last couple of days in Paris have been utterly fantastic. I’ve been so lucky as to have visited Paris several times before this trip with my parents, but I truly feel that this time was something different and special. The first day we landed I was exhausted and jet lagged but with the…

  • Student Reflections from Paris Part 1

    Emerson: We commenced the trip by making a quick stop in Paris for two days. The first day it was a quick turn around for the group and we visited Notre Dame, which is located directly next to the hotel. Then we walked Montmartre, and spend time exploring some other parts of the city. At…