Bahamas Marine Biology Friday (Day 6)

Hi all, it’s Sophie writing the blog today. The activities today ranged from being at the top of a Dixon Hill Lighthouse to laughing at Seb’s drawing of a lobster.

In the morning we went to the lighthouse and cave. The view from the lighthouse showed some of the lakes, the shore, and a group of goats. The walk to the cave was very buggy and on the trail we almost ran into a banana spider, but had to duck under it and run past it instead. When we got to the cave and went in, it was a nice cool relief from the buggy atmosphere above. But we were not alone in the cave, it is also home to bats, and we were able to see a few of them fly by. Once we got to the end of the cave we all turned off our dive lights and were able to experience what the total darkness felt like, and in waist deep water no less. It was really cool, but it was also really nice to take a shower afterwards.

In the afternoon we took a trip to trash beach, which as the name suggests is littered with trash from wind and water currents. From fishing nets to shoes, there was a wide variety of the different things that we found. In total we were able to fill 5 enormous trash bags that we had brought with us, and even found other plastic containers that we also filled with the trash. This was a fun activity to do with the benefit that it helped to keep the ocean a little bit.

In the evening Mr. Yoder presented, and showed pictures of, four invertebrate Phyla: Porifera, Echinodermata, Cnidaria and Mollusca. We ended the day with a trip to the snack bar.


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