Bahamas -Monday (Day 2) and Tuesday (Day 3)

Hi I’m Evelyn and yesterday and today we got to go snorkeling and we saw a lot of different algae and little fish and coral. On Tuesday we got to see a sea turtle when we went towards the cut (a channel between the North Point and island) and we saw a lot of different coral throughout the snorkel. It was so fun to get to learn how to dive with the snorkel masks and be with the group on this excursion.

Hi, I am Caroline, today after lunch we boarded the trucks at 1:30 for a tour of the island. We got to see many different landmarks and beaches that are significant to the island. We also saw many cool birds and fossilized coral. In addition we went into the town of Cockburn and were able to buy snacks and other things.

Hi, I’m Healey. This evening after dinner we got a lecture from John Rollino. He talked to us about the geography and history and San Salvador island. we learned about the settlers of the island and how it was the first place Columbus “discovered” in the New World. We also learned about all the changes the island has experienced like the changes in sea level. goodnight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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