Bahamas – Field Study in Marine Biology Sunday ( Day One)

We had a fairly seamless travel day. American Airlines was great in helping the 15 travelers check their bags and get seat assignments, which took only about 20 minutes. Our flight to Nassau was uneventful except for the pilot message about some glitch which necessitated us coming around again for the landing. I think he said they had received some type of error message. We checked into our rooms at the hotel and had lunch, after which we walked to the beach and did a practice snorkel. The students then had some pool time.

I am sharing a file via google drive so that you can see all the pictures from this first day. We haven’t had time to curate the folder so take that into account. Notably, you should see a go-pro video of a skate (a smaller type of ray) and a lobster who was none too happy with our cameraman! Tonight we had a nice Bahamian meal of chicken, pigeon peas, slaw, mac and cheese and ribs. Tomorrow we will breakfast here at the hotel and then catch a 1:15 flight to San Salvador. Check the agenda which has been shared with you to see Monday’s plan.


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