Le Bowling!

On Thursday the students went to class with their correspondents in the morning. Some of the students went to English class and later they met with the middle school students. One of the middle school classes included a journalism club and they interviewed Emerson who writes for The Voice. In the afternoon we piled into vans and traveled to Caen to see the Mémorial de Caen, which had wonderful exhibits on World War II and the Cold War. Then in the evening the students went bowling with their French correspondents. Today’s reflections are from Louis and Sophie.


Today I woke up and ate breakfast with my French family. After we went school and went to an English classes with French students studying English. Then we went to a French bakery for a croissant and went back to school for more English classes. It was fun to be immersed in the French culture through their school. After the classes in the morning we ate lunch with our French exchange students where we ate what they call a “taco” but it is a burrito. Then we went to Caen, the neighboring city, where we went to the World War II museum. It was really powerful and insightful to see another perspective on the war. After the museum we got a surprise visit from Garrett! Then we went to the bowling alley with our frenchies and had so much fun!


We started off the day by going to various english classes. The middle school kids were so energetic and had so many questions for us. They were so excited to learn about American culture! We then spent the afternoon in Caen and visiting the World War II Museum. It was so interesting to learn watch all of the films and hear real life stories. After the museum we went to dinner with my friends and some of the correspondents. We then finished the night off at bowling with the whole group!

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