Last Day in Bayeux

Friday was our last day in Bayeux. We went to school in the morning and got to meet and play with the lower school students, including giving presentations on life in America and playing sports with them during break. In the afternoon, the students got free time to explore Bayeux, shop, eat, and try to stay out of the rain that finally caught up with us. Tomorrow we leave bright and early for the airport and our trip home. Today’s reflections were written by Jamie and Nick.


For our last day in Bayeux (sad but true), we started the day by going to the lower school and giving a slideshow presentation to the little kids about our American culture. We talked to them in French about our school, American food, sports, and more. After the presentation we spent a very exciting recess playing sports with them such as soccer, lacrosse, football, and other various games. I organized a soccer game and we made a team called “France-Unis” (France and Les États Unis (America). After the visit to the lower school, we took off to further explore the town of Bayeux and shop for some souvenirs and eat some crepes for lunch! It was very nice to see all the jewelry shops, souvenir shops, clothing stores, and all of the patisseries! We went to dinner at a restaurant called “Garde Manger” and finished the amazing trip on full bellies of French food!


Today we went to the elementary school of the French school and played sports with the little kids. We did football and lacrosse and I got some of the kids to longsnap, with varying results. After this, me and a couple friends went on a journey to the local McDonald’s to see the differences and have a taste of home. It was unfortunately healthier and therefore not as good. Then we went shopping in Bayeux where people got their ears pierced. I got candy for the bus ride to Paris tomorrow. Me and Justin reconciled after his long day at school, and began to head home. Then I had a final dinner with my host family, steak frites. Overall a very good final day.

More photos from our final day!

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