
On Wednesday the students and their French correspondents took a day trip to see Mont-Saint-Michel. We were extra lucky to have a beautiful day – sunny and warm – which gave us incredible views. Today’s reflections were written by Cate and Haleyna.


Today we visited the small island village of Mont-St-Michel. Built as a monastery over 1000 years ago, this small island slowly grew into a bustling little town and tourist destination known for its unique geography and history. After a 2 hour drive we arrived at Mont-St-Michel in the morning and walked about 2km over to the village, taking in the quicksand and sheep in the surrounding area. Once in the village proper we passed about an hour of free time walking about the various shops and of course stopped for an ice cream. Then we stopped for a quick lunch in a charming restaurant and set off for the abbey situated at the top of the village. It was a tough hike up to the top but worth it for the stunning views from the ramparts and the gorgeous chapel.


Today, we we went to Mont St Michel which was super cool. It was really interesting how this ginormous abbey and surrounding area was built on a relatively small island. Walking through the town and seeing all of the little shops was really fun, and going inside the abbey and seeing the architecture was amazing as well. I also had a Nutella crêpe right when we got there, which was a good start to the day.

More photos!

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