Toledo, Spain

Allison & Sarah: On March 19, 2024, the Spanish exchange students boarded a bus with their hosts to head toward the beautiful city of Toledo, the former capital of Spain until 1561! They first visited El Museo del Ejercito (Army Museum) first. The students learned about different armies throughout centuries and how medieval armies changed over time. The museum went in depth about Spanish armies and how they changed history to get to where they are today! After visiting El Museo del Ejercito, the students walked for a few minutes till they reached the former church and hospital that is now a museum, called Museo de Santa Cruz. Inside, various religious paintings and artifacts were showcased. There, students learned about the religious history of Spain’s former capital. There was a beautiful garden within the museum where students paused to take photos and take in the sun on this extremely hot day! After visiting these wonderful museums, the students had a chance to split up and explore the city for two hours. Some ate at various cafes while others went to buy souvenirs for loved ones back home! We hope you’re enjoying your spring break just as much as we are!

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